Dr Abimbola Alao
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My name is Dr Abimbola Alao, a certified wellness coach and literary scholar, whose signature program Cell Narratives ® has been helping many people to overcome chronic issues.
My Story: Healing Osteoarthritis
About a decade ago, I was minding my business as a university lecturer, when I started having terrible pains in my hands – especially my fingers, and my feet. What started as insignificant pain that I could just manage with paracetamol escalated into severe pain which then began to spread down my thumbs to my wrists, and De Quervain tenosynovitis was added to the mix. Every morning, I woke up with excruciating pain, after nights of little or no sleep. Then the long journey of diagnosis, prognosis and despondency started. I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis and I asked for a second opinion.
I was sent to have an Xray, which confirmed the diagnosis. I was told the bad news that it was degenerative and the only treatment I was given was ibuprofen! Things may have changed now and there may be better treatments for osteoarthritis. Whilst battling with excruciating pain that ibuprofen did nothing to help, I started having terrible insomnia. It got to a point when I would doze off in class while teaching, so, I decided to resign from work, to focus on regaining my health.
I enrolled on several holistic therapy training and gained knowledge on healthy lifestyles; I then made significant lifestyle changes. This helped me to overcome certain problems such as food allergies and insomnia, but none of these helped with my osteoarthritis! In fact at some point it got worse but I continued searching for help. The medical community said there was nothing they could do for me, and I had to manage the pain, but how? Ibuprofen did nothing for me. I joined several osteoarthritis groups online, but it was a ‘pity-party’ community. People had accepted their fate and they were all talking about managing pain.
The issue was, I didn’t want to just manage my pain; I wanted to be healed. I knew the body has the ability to heal itself, so why wasn’t I experiencing that? I strongly believe that the creator of this vast, awe-inspiring universe didn’t design my body to simply fall apart at a certain age. There is infinite wisdom available to guide us toward healing, and I was determined to find it. Before long, I discovered the answer I had been searching for. By following this path, I completely healed from osteoarthritis. The most incredible miracle was the disappearance of the unsightly Heberden’s nodes that had turned my fingers into claw-like shapes.
I returned to teaching but worked part-time, dedicating the rest of my time to being a wellness coach. I began helping others heal, using a simple method that had worked for me. One of my clients, a university professor of education, had suffered from ulcerative colitis for over 20 years but was completely healed through my coaching. Another client, a university lecturer who had struggled to conceive after years of marriage, now has two sons and a daughter, in quick succession, after her healing. A medical doctor, who had been suffering from various chronic conditions and multiple diagnoses, experienced a breakthrough after working with me for just two months.
You will read more about these and other success stories in the Cell Narratives Program.
This program will be launched in 2025; however, we have a vibrant group consisting of people from various parts of the world, discussing and practicing the concept of Cell Narratives. Feel free to Join Us!
Cell Narratives is easy to follow, but it requires your commitment and a clear understanding of the process. Many of the people I coach are at the point of giving up, struggling with chronic conditions for which conventional medicine may not have answers. In this program, you'll find a practical, step-by-step, guide to help you overcome the challenges you're facing.
I also want to emphasize that if you have any medical symptoms or concerns, it is important to consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. This program is not a substitute for your primary healthcare; it is NOT about diagnosing or treating acute medical conditions. Instead, it offers hope to those who have been battling with chronic conditions. It is designed to teach you how to work with your body to promote healing.