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Eyes Have Not Seen...

Let's take a walk down memory lane, or rather, snail mail lane. Years back, during the time my great grandparents were still walking on this earth, there were no Emails, WhatsApp, Facebook or Facetime, and definitely no TikTok dances to scroll over.

The height of "technology" they probably had was a quill and some great ink. But the technology we now use and take for granted, was hanging out there in space waiting to be discovered. They simply did not see it, or as the saying goes: "It had not entered their heart".

Enter my grandmother's generation, and the telephone came fashionably late - like a diva entering a 1940s Hollywood film. My grandma saw this wonder in my late parents' house and thought it was magical. Imagine her surprise when she picked up a receiver and heard her grandchild's voice from thousands of miles away.

If that was not magic, what was? But alas, emails and Facetime were still hiding in the wings, just biding their time. Oh, and not to mention letter writing! It almost was an undertaking similar to setting a paper boat across the Atlantic, at the whim of elements - well, until airmail par avion finally showed up.

One day, a relative told Grandma about the future: "Soon, people will send letters, signed and sealed, with just one click, and in a matter of seconds, the recipient will get it!" He was trying to explain the advent of emails, but my grandma’s response was a classic!

"What shall advance these letters, eh? Witchcraft?"

Fast forward to the present time in 2024; should I spell out the miracles of technology for only the last 30 years? From Instagram to video calls with filters that make you look like a potato, the progress has just been utterly mind blowing. But the cherry on top is this: the technology was always there, waiting for human eyes to see it, ideas to bubble up in our minds, and for someone brave enough to say, hey, let's invent the internet!

Writing to the Corinthians, Paul of Tarsus, who no doubt would have loved a good meme, wrote: "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him”.

Are you feeling stuck today? Can't see the light at the end of the tunnel or even the tunnel itself? Here is the truth: your breakthrough already exists. You just need to open your spiritual eyes, tune your ears, and let the vision settle in your heart.


Because God has got a plan for you - and spoiler alert - it's a good one. Let the Holy Spirit do His thing. Visualize, meditate on it, and watch your breakthrough upload into your life quicker than a gigabit connection.

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Fola Akerele
Fola Akerele
Dec 13, 2024

Simply great read.

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